
Running a third sector organisation presents its own set of challenges. Our specialist team of charity and Not for Profit experts understand how difficult it can be to keep up with ever-changing and increasingly complex regulations, whilst also trying to focus on the day-to-day running of your organisation.

We help organisations in the third sector to thrive by having a wealth of knowledge and experience in advising charities of all sizes on a wide range of issues.

From planning to setting up a charity to technical advice on regulatory or compliance issues and minimising tax liabilities, our Head of Charity and Not for Profit Gill Freeman and our specialist team can provide the best support, enabling you to focus on the core principle of your organisation – helping others.

To find out how we can help you, please contact us.

Meet the team:

General Practice Partner
Gill Freeman
Audit and General Practice Partner
Audit and General Practice Partner
Sarah Jenkins
General Practice Manager
Senior General Practice Manager